Toko Junmai 720ml
An easy drinking style of sake that is not your typical Junmai. Made from local Yamagata eating rice called Haenuki and milled to an impressive 60% this multi award winning junmai is a collaboration of pear, mandarin and clove with exceptional balance. For lovers of medium to dry sake.
Broad range of drinking temperatures. When well chilled the palate is tight, lean and refreshing however closer to room temperature the palate becomes broader and takes on a slightly creamy texture and a little spice. When warmed it is richer again, well rounded with a little sweetness.
Gold Medal - Fine Sake Awards 2018
- Name:Toko Junmai 720ml
- Brewery: Kojima Sohonten
- Brand:Toko
- Classification:Junmai
- Region:Yamagata, Japan
Store in a cool, dark place away from heat and light.
Serving Temperature
Sweetspot: 5-15℃ Recommended range: 5-60℃ (chilled, room temp, warm)
Dry - Sweet
Orders are despatched same day or next business day Tuesday to Friday