Momosuke Shodai - Gold 720ml

$58.95 AUD

A tempting aroma of citrus and sweet barley. When served straight up displays a velvety slightly sweet upfront palate with sudachi peel and mild spice. The addition of 1 cube of ice brings a nutty barley character to the palate and makes it apparently more dry.

This is the signature product of Inoue Shuzo. A very aromatic cracking shochu that will impress even the most hardcore mugi lover.

Consecutively awarded by Gold Medal by the Kumamoto Tax Office 2009-2021.

A premium shochu made with 100% barley milled to more than 65% of the grain remaining.

  • Name:Momosuke Shodai - Gold 720ml
  • Producer: Inoue Shuzo
  • Brand:Momosuke
  • Classification:Honkaku Shochu
  • Shochu Type:Mugi - Barley
  • Distillation:Vacuum distilled
  • Region:Oita, Japan


Store in a cool, dark place away from heat and light.

Serving Temperature

Drink neat, on the rocks, maewari, mizuwari or oyuwari.

Orders are despatched same day or next business day Tuesday to Friday

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